Intercept an ATG pipeline.

ATG pipeline allows developers to write modular code and inject the same in an execution path based on the result from another processor in pipeline chain. Nucleus component /atg/commerce/PipelineManager implement the commerce pipeline loading, execution and reloading logic. Commerce pipeline is defined in an xml file located in /B2CCommerce/config/atg/commerce/commercepipeline.xml. What is a pipeline? Pipeline is […]
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How to write ATG RQL includes query?

Recently I had to write an ATG Repository Query (RQL) to load collection using “IN” query. I found the ATG API documents are not good enough to tell the story clearly. Below given example load all employees with give ids. The important API to understand is QueryBuilder.createIncludesQuery(QueryExpression valueExpression, QueryExpression propertyExpression); You would have noticed that […]
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How to write contains/suggestion/match query using ATG RQL?

There are times when you may have to write contains query to support a suggestion drop-down or standard search functionality. ATG Object Oriented Query Language (RQL) supports contains query with the help of simple RQL API. QueryBuilder.createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, Integer) would help you fire a contains query against your relational data store.

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